Acrylic painting lesson. How to paint a still life with flowers and fruits.

Today we are going to paint a funny picture – the merry company on the windowsill. The main characters are a few pots with the fragrant bloomy plants and several juicy ripe pears are catching a few rays together with them. Each of the heroes of our composition has its own character and distinctive features. At the same time the pears and the flowers in the pots get along well with each other, have their own places under the sun and harmonically complement each other.

So it is quite easy and very interesting to paint this positive picture.

Welcome to the online painting school ! And I am its author Elena Khirilchuk.
The project goal is to create the video tutorial course concerning the oil painting using the traditional art materials and art painting techniques as well as the various unconventional approaches, methods and materials.
Thank you for joining our oil painting course! And welcome to our online painting school!


Елена Кирильчук

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